Equality & Inclusion Policy

Equal Opportunities & Diversity Statement 

We are committed to building an organisation that makes full use of the talents, skills, experience, and  different cultural perspectives available in a multi-ethnic and diverse society, and where people feel they  are respected and valued, and can achieve their potential regardless of race, colour, nationality, national  or ethnic origins, sexual orientation, gender, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership,  pregnancy and maternity, religion, belief, disability or age. 

The organisation will follow the recommendations of the Statutory Codes of Practice of both the  Commission for Racial Equality and the Equal Opportunities Commission, and the Disability Rights  Commission’s Code of Practice in Employment and Occupation, in all their employment policies,  procedures and practices (as updated in the Equality Act 2010). 

Equal Opportunity & Diversity Policy 

The aims of this policy are to ensure that: 

  • No-one receives less favourable treatment, on grounds of race, colour, nationality, ethnic or  national origins, gender, sexual orientation, religion or belief, disability or age; or is  disadvantaged by any conditions, requirements, provisions, criteria, procedures or practices that  cannot be justified on any other grounds, or victimised for taking action against any form of  discrimination or harassment, or instructed or put under pressure to discriminate against, or  harass, someone on the above grounds. 
  • The organisation is free of unwanted conduct that violates the dignity of workers or creates an  intimidating, hostile, degrading, offensive, or humiliating environment. 
  • Opportunities for employment, training and promotion are equally open to male and female  candidates, candidates from all racial groups, candidates with or without disabilities, and  candidates of any age, and of any sexual orientation, religion or belief.  
  • Selection for employment, promotion, transfer, training, and access to benefits, facilities and  services, will be fair and equitable, and based solely on merit. 

This policy applies to all aspects of employment, from recruitment to dismissal and former workers’  rights. 

We will take the following steps to put the policy into practice and make sure that it is achieving its aims:

  1. The policy will be a priority for the organisation. 
  2. Top management will be responsible for the day-to-day operation of the policy. 
  3. The policy will be communicated to all workers and job applicants and will be placed on the  company’s intranet and website. 
  4. Workers and their representatives and any trade unions will be consulted regularly about the  policy, and about related action plans and strategies. 
  5. All workers will be trained on the policy, on their rights and responsibilities under the policy, and  on how the policy will affect the way they carry out their duties. No-one will be in any doubt about what  constitutes acceptable and unacceptable conduct in the organisation. 
  6. Managers and workers in key decision-making areas will be trained on the discriminatory effects  that provisions, practices, requirements, conditions, and criteria can have on some groups, and the  importance of being able to justify decisions to apply them.
  7. Complaints about discrimination or harassment in the course of employment will be regarded  seriously, and may result in disciplinary sanctions, and even dismissal. The complaints procedure will be  published in a form that is easily accessible.  
  8. Opportunities for employment, promotion, transfer and training will be advertised widely,  internally and externally, and all applicants will be welcomed, irrespective of race, colour, nationality,  ethnic or national origins, gender, sexual orientation, disability or age, religion or belief. 
  9. All workers will be encouraged to develop their skills and qualifications, and to take advantage of  promotion and development opportunities in the organisation. 
  10. Selection criteria will be entirely related to the job or training opportunity. 
  11. We will make reasonable changes to overcome physical and non-physical barriers that make it  difficult for disabled employees to carry out their work, and for disabled customers to access our services. 
  12. We will take a flexible approach to working arrangements. We will consider requests for changes  carefully and objectively and will accommodate them unless it would cause significant difficulties to the  business or the employee. 
  13. Information on the ethnic and racial background, gender, disability, and age of each worker and  applicant for employment, promotion and training will be collected and analysed, to monitor each stage  of the recruitment process. The information will be held in strictest confidence and will only be used to  promote equality of opportunity. Information about the religion/belief and sexual orientation of  employees may also be monitored. 
  14. If the data shows that people from particular groups are under-represented in particular areas of  work, lawful positive action training and encouragement will be considered for workers and others from  that group, to improve their chances of applying successfully for vacancies in these areas. 
  15. Grievances, disciplinary action, performance assessment, and terminations of employment, for  whatever reason, will also be monitored by gender, racial group, age, disability, religion/belief and sexual  orientation. 
  16. Requirements, conditions, provisions, criteria, and practices will be reviewed regularly, in the  light of the monitoring results, and revised if they are found to, or might, unlawfully discriminate on any  of the above grounds. 
  17. All contracts between the company and contractors to supply goods, materials or services will  include a clause prohibiting unlawful discrimination or harassment by contractors and their staff, and by  any sub-contractors and their staff. The clause will also encourage contractors and potential contractors  to provide equality of opportunity in their employment practices.  
  18. The effectiveness of the policy will be monitored regularly. A report on progress will be produced  each year, and published via the intranet, the website, the staff newsletter, notice boards, and the annual  report. 
  19. Customers and clients will be made aware of the policy, and of their right to fair and equal  treatment, irrespective of race, colour, nationality, national or ethnic origins, sexual orientation, gender,  religion/belief, disability or age. 
  20. The company will draw up an Action Plan detailing how this policy will be implemented in  practice. 

This policy has been endorsed by top management and has the full support of the board.

NAME: Jamie Henney
POSITION: Director
DATE: 16th January 2023
REVIEW DUE: 16th January 2024